Saturday, April 03, 2010

Spring 2010
Spring has finally come and we are SO SO glad!
Here's some photos we'd like to share of our lives.

Grammie and Grandpa Pluim came to visit on their way home from Ecuador. It was short but very fun. Unfortunately, Grammie got the cold that Alie and Mum had at the time. Sorry Grammie! What a cute hate from Ecuador!

Grammie braided Alie's hair! Lots of tears but VERY cute :)St. Patrick's Day!

New hoodie tye-dye that Uncle Sean made for Alie!

We seem to have spent a lot of the last year with colds...

Grammie giving Alie her hat and new outfit from Ecuador. Alie loved Grammie's "farmer hat".

Garrett got to go with work to see some new parts of Nebraska. This was Scottsbluff Monument.

This area was on the Oregon Trail. Can you imagine traversing this in a covered wagon?

So many wagons followed this path that it actually cut a groove through landscape.

Alie has discovered peanut butter toast again...

She's been so sick, again. It has also gotten hot here in the last few days. So I went in to make sure she was not too hot. Too cute.

Two more of some new dye's of Sean's.

Alie set up all her little people to come to a concert. She played them some songs. Whose daughter would this be???

Last night Alie was in the middle of jump up and down asking (not very politely) for chocolate milk when she tripped backwards into the pot. It was very funny. She looked up at me with a huge smile.

This is Alie's second golfing trip. She loves it.